TOEFL Listening Section

Understanding Tone and Attitude in Student Conversations

Medium Pragmatic Understanding Tone And Attitude

Listen to the following conversation between two students, Kelly and Michael, as they discuss a recent group project:

Kelly: So, Michael, what did you think of the presentation we delivered? I feel a bit nervous about how the class received it.

Michael: Honestly, I thought it went really well! The feedback from the professor was positive, and many students seemed engaged.

Kelly: You think so? I thought I stumbled over my words a few times, and I noticed one student looking confused during my section.

Michael: I can see why you might feel that way, but I think everyone has moments like that. Plus, you handled the questions really gracefully!

Kelly: Thanks! That means a lot. I just want to make sure we did a good job since we put in so much effort.

Michael: Definitely! And remember, constructive criticism is part of learning. We can always improve for next time.

Kelly: True. I appreciate your support!

Note: This question has been adapted from its original format to accommodate a reading-based version. In the official TOEFL exam, speaking and listening sections require verbal responses and audio prompts, which are not represented here. Please note that this adaptation may not fully reflect the nature or difficulty of the official exam. The audio feature for these sections will be available soon.

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