SSAT Elementary Level

Surf Lessons and Stormy Weather

Hard Inference Predictions

In a small coastal town, a group of children gathered every Sunday at the beach for their surf lessons. They were excited because this week, a famous surfing champion, Danny waves, was going to join them. The children looked forward to learning new techniques and hearing stories about Danny's adventures as a professional surfer. As they arrived, the weather was perfect—sunny with just the right amount of breeze. The kids imagined all the amazing tricks they would be able to do after Danny's lessons. However, as they set their boards in the water, they noticed dark clouds gathering in the distance.

Just as the lesson began, Danny explained how to ride the bigger waves safely. He encouraged everyone to not be afraid of falling, as it was part of learning. During his demonstration, he caught an impressive wave, performing spins and flips that left the kids in awe. But soon, the wind picked up, and the waves started to grow larger, warning everyone of an approaching storm.

With the storm coming, Dany would likely have to cut the session short. However, the kids were determined to make the most of their time with him. Even though they worried about the storm, their excitement for riding the waves with Danny remained strong. Little did they know how Danny would handle the upcoming challenge.


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