Digital SAT
Digital SAT Reading and Writing Section

Analyzing Text Structure in Climate Change Effects

Very Hard Craft And Structure Analyzing Text Structure

Read the following passage about the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems:

"As temperature increases and ocean acidity rises, the delicate balance of marine ecosystems is threatened. Coral reefs, the vitals of underwater biodiversity, exhibit signs of stress. Bleaching events have become more frequent, leading to a loss of vital habitat for various marine species. Fishermen, who depend on these ecosystems for their livelihoods, are noticing decreased fish populations, directly impacting local communities who rely on fishing as a primary source of income. Furthermore, as species migrate to cooler waters, this disruption causes shifts in the entire marine food web, affecting not only ecological relationships but also economic stability along coastal regions. In response to these challenges, conservationists are advocating for the establishment of more marine protected areas to safeguard vulnerable habitats and promote fish population recovery, thereby restoring balance to these essential ecosystems."


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