CFA Level 1
Alternative Investments

Identifying Market-Neutral Hedge Fund Strategies

Hard Types Of Alt Investments Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are alternative investment vehicles that often employ a range of strategies to maximize returns while managing risk. These funds can invest in various markets and utilize derivatives, short selling, and leverage. However, not all hedge funds operate under the same principles or strategies.

Consider the following descriptions of different hedge fund strategies:

Strategy A: This strategy aims to provide consistent returns regardless of market conditions by balancing long and short positions within equity markets.

Strategy B: This strategy seeks to profit from the price discrepancies between related instruments, often using statistical methods and quantitative analysis.

Strategy C: This strategy focuses on investing in undervalued assets and holding them until they reach their perceived worth, often categorized under value investing.

Based on this information, which strategy is most likely representative of a market-neutral hedge fund?


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