Digital SAT
Digital SAT Reading and Writing Section

Tradition vs. Innovation in Art

Hard Information And Ideas Reading Closely

Read the following passage carefully:

The conflict between tradition and innovation has been a recurring theme in art. Throughout history, artists have struggled with the tension of adhering to established norms while seeking to explore new forms of expression. For example, in the early 20th century, the advent of modernism challenged the conventions of realism that had dominated previous art movements. Artists like Pablo Picasso and Vincent van Gogh broke away from traditional perspectives and embraced abstraction, leading to new ways of seeing and interpreting the world.

However, this shift was not universally accepted. Critics of modernism argued that it disregarded the foundational elements of art, such as technique and representation. They believed that art should reflect reality, and any deviation from this was a step backward. Yet, proponents of modernism contended that innovation is essential for the evolution of art and reflects the complexity of contemporary life. This ongoing dialogue between preservation and transformation continues to shape the art world today.


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