AP United States History
Long Essay Question

Analyzing the Impact of Social Movements on American Democracy

Hard Historical Argumentation And Synthesis Organization And Clarity

In the course of U.S. history, various social movements have emerged that significantly influenced the political landscape of the nation. Such movements include, but are not limited to, the abolitionist movement, women's suffrage, and the civil rights movement. Analyze the extent to which these social movements achieved their goals and changed American society in the 19th and 20th centuries. Consider the varying responses from different segments of society, and discuss the implications of these movements for democracy in the United States.

Your essay should include a clear thesis, utilize evidence from historical sources, and demonstrate an understanding of historical context. Organize your argument coherently, supporting your claims with relevant examples while addressing counterarguments.

Note: The solution includes an example perfect-score answer with a detailed rubric. Your response will not be scored.

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