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Description: The Argumentative Writing section assesses the ability to construct a well-reasoned argument based on a given prompt. While this section is unscored, it is sent to law schools as a sample of your writing and reasoning abilities.
Structure: Test-takers are presented with a decision problem and are asked to choose between two positions or courses of action and defend their choice.
Description: The Logical Reasoning section assesses the ability to analyze, critically evaluate, and complete arguments. Questions are based on short passages from a variety of sources, including newspapers, magazines, scholarly publications, and advertisements.
Structure: This section contains approximately 50 multiple-choice questions.
Description: The Reading Comprehension section measures the ability to read, understand, and analyze complex texts similar to those encountered in law school. Passages are drawn from subjects such as law, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.
Structure: This section typically contains four sets of reading questions, each based on a reading passage or pair of passages. The paired passages require comparative reading skills.
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